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Publishing Creator-Owned Comics Since 2006
Total Raised: $39,251 (261%)
Funding Goal: $15,000
Total Backers: 1084
The Funding Goal is a total across both Alterna's site and Indiegogo.
Series Type: Ongoing Episodic Series
Age Rating: 12+
Genres: Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Horror, Action, Fantasy
Size and Format: Standard Comic Book Size; Stapled Spine
Paper Stocks: Gloss Cover, Newsprint Interior
Pages of Story: #5 - 24; #6 - 24; #7 - 22; #9 - 24
Also Funding Now on INDIEGOGO
Betrayed and cursed over 500 years ago, the living legend known as King Cryptid encounters creatures of human and inhuman origin throughout the region of New England in this ongoing series full of monsters & mysteries. Created, written, and lettered by Peter Simeti
376 backers fulfilled
Collector Box - will ship separately (estimated for March 2025)
Felt Ornament - will ship separately (estimated for March 2025)
UNLOCKED Bonuses for Physical Perk Backers
BeheMoth Alterna Series trading card (#20)
Victor Lugo ID Badge
Day 1 or 2 physical perk backers (July 8th or 9th)
King Cryptid Desktop and Mobile Wallpaper Pack
Bonus is for ALL backers (digital and physical)
Random KING CRYPTID series 1 or 2 trading card
Random 6x9 Print
King Cryptid Bookmark